Admiralty Charts Provider in Cameroon | Sealand Support


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Sealand Support

What are admiralty charts?

Admiralty charts are nautical charts issued by the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office and subject to Crown Copyright which shows marine routes all over the world. Over 3,500 Standard Nautical Charts (SNCs) and 14,000 Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs) are available with the Admiralty portfolio offers the widest official coverage of international shipping routes and ports, varying in detail.

They are produced by UKHO for over 200 years, with the main aim of saving and protecting lives at sea. The core market for these charts includes over 40,000 defence and merchant ships globally. Today, the products are used by over 90% of ships trading internationally.

The scale of the charts vary according to purpose; large-scale charts often cover approaches to harbours, such as Port Approach Guides, medium-scale charts often cover frequently used coastal areas, and small-scale charts are mainly used for navigation in more open areas. A series of small craft charts are also available at even smaller scales.

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Sealand Support

They include information on depths, coastline, buoyage, land and underwater contour lines, seabed composition, hazards, tidal information, prominent land features, traffic separation schemes, radio direction finding (RDF) information, lights, and other information to assist in navigation. For admiralty charts provider in Cameroon.

The Mercator projection has the property of maintaining angles correctly so that a line on the earth’s surface that crosses all the meridians at the same angle will be represented on the chart by a straight line at the same angle.

Since the late 1970s, all charts at a scale of 1:50,000 or larger have used the across Mercator projection, which is the projection used for the Ordnance Survey National Grid.

Admiralty charts are issued by the UKHO for a variety of users; Standard Nautical Charts (SNCs) are issued to mariners subject to the Safety of Life at Sea convention, while chart folios, at a convenient A2 size, are produced for leisure users. Alongside its paper charts, UKHO produces an expanding range of digital products to fulfil the impending compulsory carriage requirements of ECDIS and ENCs, as issued by the International Maritime Organization.

Due to the changing nature of the seabed and other charted features, chart users’ information must be up-to-date to maintain accuracy and general safety. This is ensured by UKHO through continually assessing hydrographic data for vital safety information, with urgent updates issued via weekly Notices to Mariners.

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