What is Stowaway Search and How We Can do With The Dogs in Douala - Cameroon | Sealand Support
Everything you need to know Stowaways What is a stowaway? A stowaway is a person who sneakily boards a vehicle, such as a ship, an aircraft, a train, a cargo truck, or a bus. Sometimes, the purpose is to get from one place to another without paying for transportation. Stowaways can be classified under the following categories: Refugees Refugees are people who have fled war, vio l ence, conflict, or persecution and have crossed an international border to find safety in another country. They often have had to flee with little more than the clothes on their back, leaving behind homes, possessions, jobs, and loved ones. Economic Migrants Economic Migrants seeking an improved standard of living, because the conditions or job opportunities in the migrant’s own region are insufficient. The United Nations uses the term migrant worker. Asylum Seekers When an individual has left their home country as a political refugee and wishes to seek shelter in another country due to political unrest such a...